First Day of Work

The day has finally come and today was my first day of work! It was early start with lots going on throughout the day.

First of all, every day will start almost the same. Wake up and head to breakfast before breakfast is over. For work days, we head to breakfast at about 7:30, eat, and head up the road for work. We started by bringing in the horses, putting on their halters, lining the up then feeding them. We then started working on the fences that surround all the fields where the horses can go. We had to repair and replace sections of the fence. After repairing the fence, my boss, Bode, starting me in on my training.

It first starts with getting all the horses' names. Right now there are about 23 horses, in June we will be almost doubling the amount of horses we have. So that means more names to learn. I have a list right now of the current horses, so I have been studying their names, but it is still harder than you think. Then there is getting to know their line up, how they get fed, and if they need anything else throughout the day. Once that training was done, there was how Bode wants the horses saddled up and how fast when we have guests for the rides. Then it was lunch!

After lunch, the wranglers and I played around for a bit, then we saddled up for our afternoon ride. I was so excited! My first day on the job and I got to ride! We took a nice long ride, about three hours long. Along the ride, the other new wrangler and I were informed on how rides usually go. The ins and the outs of how to lead a ride, along with some trail maintenance along the way. It was such a fun ride, even if my butt and sit bones are very sore right now.

When we got back to the stable, we unsaddled and get the horses back out into the field. Then we went and picked up all the horse poop where the line them up. After that we called it a day! It was such a fun first day and I can't wait to see how the rest of the summer plays out.


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