Arriving to Harmel's

I arrived at Harmel's in the early afternoon. It's been ten years since I have been here and it was interesting to see how it compared to my memories. Once I found someone to check in with, I was shown to the bunk house I would be calling home for the next four months and starting settling in.

After getting settled, I met the other females wranglers that were already up here. They invited me to go out on a hike with them and another wrangler to go check the condition one of the trails we ride on. We were able to bond a little bit and get to know each other on the hike.

The hike was beautiful. It was up on a small ridge that lined the river that is the heart of the ranch. It had snowed here just earlier in the week so the trail was pretty muddy, but that made for excellent conditions to see bear prints. Yep! A bear had walked the same trail that we were on probably earlier that day. I wasn't too concerned since it was early in the afternoon and we were traveling in group talking the whole time. During the hike I was actually looking up the side of the ridge to see if I could see her den (I figured it was a female according to size of her prints). There were a lot of spots that could of been her den, but we didn't see her.

After our hike I was able to go up to the corral to see only half of the horses that were going to be here for the summer (and we already have around 23 horses). I was able to see the rest of the stables where we keep the equipment for the horses. And I was able to meet the animals in our petting zoo. Yes, Mom, we have a petting zoo, but we don't have any goats, sorry. But we do have a llama and two alpacas!

After that, we made our way back to our bunk house and just relaxed until dinner time. Right now, the wait staff at the restaurant is training and getting ready for opening, so that means the rest of the staff gets to be their practice guests. We got to hackle and cause a little bit of trouble for them to get them ready for the worst, but none of it was taken to offense, it was fun for all us.

Once dinner was over, a coworker and I decided to go to the game room/office and play pool for a while, but only after we filled out our W4 paperwork. And of course, that couldn't be completed without calling Mom for some help. After filling out paperwork, playing pool, and hanging out and getting to know coworkers, my coworker, Edin, and I, went back to the bunk house and headed to bed.

The next day brings an early(ish) morning. A 7:30am breakfast, and an 8am start to the work day. I am so excited to start tomorrow morning and hopefully get some riding in!

It is so beautiful here and on the drive here once I go into Colorado I fell in love head over heals with the mountain ranges in this state. Especially on my drive from Telluride to the ranch, being surround with snow covered peaks, I knew I would never be the same. I had envisioned being in Colorado and living here, but my small imagination could not compare in the slightest to what Colorado actually contains. I already know now, that it will be hard going back to Flagstaff in the fall after living here all summer. But now I know where I want to go in the near future.


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