Hello, Again!

Hello, everyone! It's been a while!

Its been almost four weeks since my arrival here to Harmel's and I absolutely love it! A lot has happened in the past four weeks, and the days are starting to run together. We have a joke here on the ranch that everything is "the other day." Whether it was yesterday or two days ago or three weeks ago, everything is "the other day." And this is because for everyone who works here, the days really do run together, especially when we work 48 hours a week and get one day off a week, and there is some partying at night.

Anyways, here is an overview of what has been going on the past couple of weeks:

The most exciting thing that has happened, is that I started leading rides! Right now I am just leading one and two hour beginner rides in the morning and afternoon, because I know the beginner trail well. I am still learning the intermediate trails, and haven't even began to learn any advanced trails. My boss, Bode, said that it will take some time. He's a really cool boss. He's hard on us, but when we do our jobs well and make sure the horses and guests are safe, he's really happy and calm. Especially when we have very large groups going out on morning rides and we have to bring in the horses, halter them, tie them to their spots, feed them, brush and pick their hooves, and saddle and bridle them all before the guests even arrive for the ride, it gets stressful. But, Bode has been making us practice and we can now get a large group of horses ready in the morning within thirty minutes (yesterday morning we did it in 23 minutes. Bode was really happy with us).

We have had some sad things happen lately too. One of our horses, Cimmaron, passed away last week. Sometimes horses intestines flip and twist which cause them to become constipated. We can give them something that helps and we just have to wait for them to poop to make sure everything is okay. But sometimes, their intestines completely flip and the situation becomes surgical. This is what happened to our beloved horse. One of our wranglers, Jesse, is going into her third year in vet school and noticed as she was walking by the horses one night that Cimmaron was colicy (this is when the intestines flip). She gave her the medicine to see if she would pass it and put the rest of us wranglers on shifts to keep an eye on her throughout the night. Our shifts lasted until about midnight when Jesse and Bode called them off because Cimmaron was not doing well and most likely not going to make it. By 3am, we all got a text from Bode saying that she had passed. The next morning was a rough morning for all of us, but Bode told us to keep our heads held high because we had a busy day ahead of us. It helped keep us busy and not think about our beloved horse.

The next couple of days were crazy. We had three family reunions come in and stay on the ranch, and take rides with us. We were all very busy and at the end of the day, we were all tired and dirty and smelly, ready for bed. But, with all the hype and stress that these three very large parties brought in, we did really well at our job and made Bode happy.

The last couple of days have been nice, quiet, and slow. Something we needed after those family reunions. And that's it...for now.


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