Powder and Mogals

Skiing has always been a huge part of my life, but this winter, I have fallen in love with it all over again. I have a new outlook on skiing, one I didn't know I could have. I've been skiing for as long as I can remember and it was always the highlight of the year going on our annual family ski trip. We would get up early and be on the mountain as soon as it opened. At the time, I hated waking up early every day while we were on vacation, but now that I look back at it, I'm happy that I was pushed to ski all day. Those vacations dwindled as us kids got older and entered college and high school, but we still found a way to slide around on the snow for at least a couple days during the winter. But this winter...it's all different. Being paid to teach others how to ski and help them fall in love with the sport like we have, we had to better our own ski skills. I entered the job not knowing what they were going to teach us. Not only did they teach us how to teach others...